Speaking of Vaccines, Brazilian Bealth Workers are Pushing Empty Syringes!

Brazilian health workers have been accused of pushing empty syringes in response to the corona vaccine. When the news was published in the media, the police launched an investigation. News - The Guardian.

The local media has dubbed it the ‘vaccine of the wind’. The incident took place in at least four states of the country, the report said.

This has given rise to a lack of coordination in the immunization program in Brazil. Earlier, the issue of extreme negligence in dealing with the Corona situation was also criticized.

Brazilian police announced the start of an investigation into the vaccine scandal on Wednesday. Their idea is that the nurses may believe in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories or that they are selling the vaccine on the black market.

Rio de Janeiro police said they would prosecute anyone involved in the embezzlement. Such an incident could result in up to 12 years in prison.

Epidemiologist Carla Dominguez, who was involved in the immunization program from 2011 to 2019, said:

"Either these health workers are not properly trained or they are involved in a bad faith," he said. In both cases there is a complete digestive tract. "

About one million people in the Latin American country have been infected with corona so far. Of these, more than two lakh 42 thousand have died.

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