I often praise info articles a lot. I have also said in many other posts to look at the info article. I give the same advice to many people who want to know about Amazon affiliate marketing.
Many of us think that writing an info article is a waste of money and time. These are written just to please Google. No more work, no conversion. But that's not right.
In today's post, I will talk about why I like info articles. Let's get started
1. Info articles usually have much less competition than money keywords. So they can be easily ranked in Google. When a site is brand new, just focusing on the competitive money keywords shows that it takes a long time for them to rank and get traffic. On the other hand, if you focus on info articles, they will start to drive traffic to your site by ranking them in a relatively short time.
2. It's not just the product review type content that sells on Amazon. Many marketers are now emphasizing ‘Soft Speech’ for product sales. Soft Speech means a lot of indirect marketing. This means that you do not market any product directly. You can do this perfectly with info articles. For example, you wrote an article "How To Keep Your Cat Happy" about it. He wrote in one place, “Cats are happy when they are well-fed. According to recent statistics, more than 77% of cats in the United States go crazy for this particular cat food. ”Then I will link to a cat food here for“ for this particular cat food ”. Marketing in this way is called indirect marketing. In many cases, direct to indirect marketing works better.
3. Info articles increase the brand-ability of a site. If you only have one product review after another on your site, people will never take it as a brand. If you can make your site stand out as a brand, you will get many benefits, like you can earn money in many more ways.
4. It is not possible to earn money in any way with an info article. You can bring a lot more traffic to the site by writing info articles. No matter what, you can easily monetize that traffic with Ed.
For all these reasons, about 75% of the content on my site is info articles.