Suicide Stories of World Famous Poets and Writers

Many writers in the world have ended their lives at a very young age due to arrogance. The details of the suicides of some such world-famous writers are highlighted

# 1. The famous poet John Barryman.

The mother remarried after the father of Pulitzer-winning poet John Barryman committed suicide. He was emotionally devastated by his father's death. I could never accept the death of my father. He studied at Columbia College and Cambridge University. After graduating in 1955, he became a professor at the University of Minnesota. He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1974 for his collection of sonnet poems. There were 365 poems in the book. After its publication, the book was recognized as one of the best books of poetry of that time. With that, John Barryman brought world-wide fame. Even after getting so much, it was as if John Barryman was anxious. Then one day he walked in the path of his father. He committed suicide in 1982 by jumping into the Mississippi River about 90 feet below the Washington Avenue Bridge.

# 2. Lover poet Mayakovsky.

Mayakovsky, one of the pioneers of the Russian Revolution at the beginning of the last century was called the "Raging Bull" of Russian poetry. In his writings, this legendary poet has spoken about the exploitation of capitalist society and inequality among people. His poems have been translated into various languages. It has been appreciated in many countries of the world. The poet's full name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. He was accidentally introduced to actress Veronica Polansky. At first sight, he fell in love with Veronica Polansky. The pull of the relationship makes him very sad, impatient , and upset. Mayakovsky divorced his wife, Janshin, in the early 1930s. Mayakovsky said he would marry Polansky. But the tension between them started anew. In this way, this poet fell under great mental stress day by day. Polanskire met Mayakovsky on April 14, 1930. Mayakovsky then shot himself at 10:16 a.m. with a revolver.

# 3. Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway.

Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway shot himself in the head in 1971. He first unlocked the storeroom in the basement and pulled out his gun. He then proceeded through the front entrance of his Ketchham house upstairs to the end of Thebarell. He inserted the barrel of the gun into his own mouth, then blew his own brain by pressing the trigger. Thus ended the legendary writer Ernest Hemingway. But he has said that people will never be defeated, they will be destroyed if they need to fight. Ernest Hemingway is the proverbial man in modern American literature. His famous Nobel laureate novel The Old Man and the Sea is widely acclaimed. Although the highest peak of fame touched him, the whole life of this writer progressed through instability. He also participated in the First World War.

4. Annie Sexton.

Nobel laureate Annie Sexton has become famous for writing modern exceptional poetry. Annie Sexton used to bring up in pen what other poets had avoided. Masturbation, menstruation, abortion, etc. are also nicely covered in his writings. But this poet was frustrated all his life. To reduce stress, he turned to alcohol. His poems are regularly published in all the famous magazines. He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1986. This poet used to drink excessively. But it never stood in the way of his creativity. He attempted suicide several times. But every time he continues to fail. He handed the manuscript of his latest poem to a reporter and said, "It should not be published until after his death."

# 5. Poet Karin Boye.

Karin Boye used to write poems about depression and tragedy. Most of his poems are symbolic. He studied at Uppsala and Stockholm University. His first collection of poems was published in 1922. He also had a literary magazine. Karin Boye is also the first to shed light on the world of surrealism in her poems. After publishing a book of poems, it became famous. Then Karin Boye also wrote a novel. He was married but gay. As a result, her marriage did not last long. He later had an affair with his girlfriend, Margaret Hanel. For the last 10 years of his life, he lived with Margaret Hanel. It is known that he committed suicide due to mental stress. One day in April 1941, he drove out of the house and never returned. His body was found a few days later. He committed suicide by taking extra sleeping pills.

6. Novelist Hunter S. Thompson

Novelist Hunter S. Thompson is of American descent. Hunter S. Thompson has been called one of the best novelists of all time. He named his last article after the end of the football season. He wrote the note to his wife Anita. Thompson wrote in it: ‘No more games. No more bombs. Not to continue. No fun. There is no swimming. . 18 years after 50. 16 more years than I want or need. Annoying. I'm reckless all the time. There is no joy for anyone. . You are becoming greedy. Show old age. Calm down - it won’t hurt. ’Thompson committed suicide just four days after writing this. He shot himself. Thompson had been suffering from a physical disability for a long time. He committed suicide while talking to his wife on the telephone at the time of his death.

# 7. Poet Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf is a renowned English poet. His death also happened poetically. Carrying pebbles in his overcoat pocket, he walked down the raging rocky river. He never came back. His most notable works are Mrs. Dallaway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1928), Orlando (1928). Virginia's famous quote: "When a woman writes fiction, she needs a room and some money." At 59, Wolfe became mentally ill several times. His disease was called Dipolar Disorder. He committed suicide on March 26, 1941. Before leaving, Virginia wrote a letter to her beloved husband. The letter is probably one of the most widely read suicide notes. That very touching letter is still read by the literary lovers of the world, the readers of Wolf. ‘I definitely feel like I’m going crazy again. I feel like we can't go through another horrible time like that and I won't recover this time. I started listening to voices. '

# 8. Poet Sylvia Plath.

Sylvia Plath is an American poet and novelist. Educated at Smith College and Cambridge University. She married another poet, Ted Hughes, in 1956. The couple had two children, Frida and Nicholas. Sylvia Plath is called a "Confessional Poet" because most of her poems are confessional. Suddenly he was suffering from depression. Meanwhile, his poem 'Daddy' has gained worldwide fame. That being said, it is one of his best poems. At the age of 20, Perono Sylvia attempted suicide. He failed to serve. But his suicidal tendencies remain. The second time his purpose was achieved. She became estranged from the poet Ted Hughes. Sylvia was severely traumatized by the incident. One day he slowly leaned his head towards the gas stove. He increased the speed of gas flow with his own hands. When the fire started, Sylvia's head caught fire. That's how he died. Sylvia Plath received the posthumous Pulitzer Prize in 1982.

# 9. Fictionalist Foster Wallace.

David Foster Wallace was a novelist, short story writer, and English lecturer at the same time. Foster Wallace excelled in both fiction and non-fiction. His book Infinity Just is one of the top 100 English language books of all time. In the early nineties, he was attracted to a poet named Mary Carr. Although the poet Mary Carr had no interest in him. Wallace was so addicted to the poet Mary that he even tattooed Mary Carr's name on his body. Failing in love, he turned to alcohol and drugs. He then started spending time with his daughter's students to get rid of the frustration. After a long period of depression, Foster Wallace, 46, committed suicide by hanging himself from a car garage on September 12, 2006. Before he died he wrote a two-page note.

10.Yukio Mishima.

Renowned Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. This author's real name is Kimita Hiraoka. He is an extraordinary novelist, playwright, stage actor, director, film actor, orchestra director. In a word, Yukio Mishima was a multi-talented person. Many think he was a worthy candidate for the Nobel Prize. But he left his acquaintance with these fields of art literature and became a political activist. He was well known as an impossibly gifted student from an early age. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1948. Since then he has been writing for various famous Japanese magazines. The writing was also printed regularly. His writing has garnered critical acclaim ever since. Earlier, when he was in high school, he used to send articles to 'Bungei Bunka' magazine. When the editorial board got into trouble for printing the writings of such a young student, the real name 'Kimita Hiraoka' was omitted and the pseudonym 'Yukio Mishima' was printed. Then he became known as Yukio Mishima. However, his father stood in the way of his writing. He was grumpy. The boy's writing could not be tolerated at all. He would even destroy any of his writings. The devastation of post-war Japan shook Mishima. The erosion of nationalist values and abhorrent traditions has always been in his writings. At the same time, the thought of death has always been in Mishima's career through her works of art. But he never surrendered his life to drugs or gas, admitting defeat to despair. In addition to all this, he is also a skilled samurai. So Mishima joined the Japan Self-Defense Force and later formed his own force called the Shield Society. In 1966 he secretly underwent about a month of defense training, and in 1967 he formed a private army of 100 men who had been sworn in to resist the emperor. On November 25, 1980, Mishima and four members of the Shield Society stormed the Tokyo headquarters of the Self-Defense Force, tied up its commander, General Masuda, and threatened 700 generals with a sword to come to the courtyard to hear Misima's speech. In that speech, he spoke of the military's abandonment of post-war democracy and the resurgence of samurai rule in ancient Japan. About seven minutes before his half-hour speech reached the soldiers, they started mocking and shouting. He decided to commit suicide when he could not reach the main objective of his speech to the assembled soldiers and committed suicide by slitting his stomach with a sharp weapon in the traditional manner. The samurai commit suicide in this manner without surrendering after being captured by the enemy.

# 11. Edgar Allan Poe.

Edgar Allan Poe was a poet, novelist, and editor. Alan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, USA. He started writing from adolescence. This extraordinarily talented writer spends his entire life in poverty, deprivation, and poverty. He has lived a whimsical life. He drank a lot. There was also the terrible addiction to gambling. On September 26, 189, he left home without telling anyone. No one could find him for the next few days. Exactly six days later, on October 3, Alan Pore was found lying frozen on the streets of Baltimore. People nearby then took him to a Baltimore hospital. The author was found dead in the hospital four days later. The death certificate cited suicide from mental depression as the cause of his death.

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