Causes of Suicide | Why do People Commit Suicide

In fact, ‘soul’ is a wonderful resource, decaying hope, immortal dignity. There is no death of the soul; Assassination is just. The language of literature is not about these sciences. Because that philosophy comes when we talk about the soul. Peek into surrealism. The writers then sat down with notebooks and pens. Someone's writing stops, someone's writing continues. Those who continue writing, get annoyed at one time and throw away everything, and want a new beginning in the old halakhata. Chose the path of suicide. At least if you read suicide notes, poems, personal diaries, etc. of suicidal writers, you will have the same idea. The funny thing is that almost all suicidal writers have admitted to some kind of 'mental retardation'. This 'mental disorder' is simply called 'crazy'. Because death is a normal process in the living world. Occasionally there is an artificial disruption to this normal process. Writers often claim that nature does not like to break the rules. Yet there are some who break the rules. They seem to like breaking the rules. In ancient China, a writer named Sima Sien said that human death was inevitable, but that its meaning would be heavier than the Thai mountains or lighter than the feathers of sand ducks. Psychologists say that the suicide of a writer and the suicide of an ordinary person are never the same. But at the end of the day, the consequences are the same. Because you will die even if you eat ‘poison’ knowingly and you will die even if you eat ‘poison’ as water. Different people have made different comments while searching for the cause of the writers' suicide. There is no similarity between the interpretation of a philosopher and the interpretation of a psychologist, and the point of view of a strong spiritualist or a destinyist is different. When a writer says 'I don't want to die in a beautiful world', someone is writing a 'right to suicide' story again. After all, when there is a kind of non-existence, it is only in the darkness of the night that a single rope comes out. One such person is the renowned literary heart crane. Hut jumped from a boat in the Gulf of Mexico saying goodbye everybody. At that time Hart Crane was only 32 years old. Another famous writer, Koesler, wrote a long letter before committing suicide. Hart Crane did not; His note was: Friends, the work is over, but why wait? What is the meaning of the crane to finish the work here! After which there is nothing left in the world to do! Paul Klee, another literary figure, jumped into the Seine at the age of 49. The poet Gillies Deleuze had to use a compulsory oxygen machine. One day he threw the machine out the window. In 1971, author John Kennedy Tool was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for "A Confederacy Dancessin". More than a decade ago, John F. Kennedy committed suicide with toxic carbon monoxide gas. After his death, his mother spent about 10 years wandering around to get the book published. I still don’t know what’s in that book; But Georgi Kosinski wrote in the suicide note, I'm going to sleep now, I'll sleep a little longer now. You can call it eternal sleep. Besides, the author 'Sarah Ken' committed suicide when she was only 26 years old. He committed suicide with a rope around his neck in the bathroom of King's College London Hospital. Alex Lickerman, an internal medicine physician at the University of Chicago, recently identified several causes of suicide.

First, the most common causes of suicide are stress and depression. Associated with this is a lasting feeling of pain and a firm belief in getting rid of it through suicide.

Second, some people become suicidal from the inside out for no apparent reason. They suffer from schizophrenia. Although curable, the science of this mysterious mental illness is still in limbo.

Third, suicide issues are mostly related to drugs and alcohol. Some people become emotional and end their lives.

Fourth, there is a general tendency for girls to be suicidal when they are hurt by a love affair or the deterioration of another relationship.

Fifth, many people decide to commit suicide because of incurable diseases. Today we are discussing the world-famous poets and writers who have chosen the path of suicide.

Suicide is by no means a good thing. It suddenly overwhelms people with emotions. So we should all be aware of this. So that none of us are engaged in such work.

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