It is Important to Know the Answers to the Questions About Blood Pressure

It is important to know the answers to the questions about blood pressure

Q: Why does blood pressure fluctuate?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: Blood pressure can fluctuate for many reasons. Blood pressure can fluctuate due to certain diseases, certain foods, some blood pressure measuring machines, or due to systemic problems of measuring blood pressure and due to environmental reasons.

Q: What causes the patient's blood pressure to fluctuate?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: If the patient is anxious, the blood pressure may suddenly rise too much, and if the anxiety is reduced or under control, the blood pressure may be normal. Although initially, it may be necessary to temporarily take some high blood pressure medication and anxiety medication to control this high blood pressure, later on, high blood pressure medications may no longer be needed. In some cases, if the anxiety is high, the blood pressure may be lower than normal. If the patient is taking painkillers for a long time, especially NSAIDs, the patient's blood pressure may rise or fall. If the patient does not take regular medication or occasionally skips medication, blood pressure may fluctuate. If the patient takes birth control pills for a long time, the blood pressure may rise or rise. If the patient has kidney problems, the blood pressure may fluctuate. If the patient has certain hormonal disorders such as hyperthyroidism (thyroid hormone secretion) or pheochromocytoma (tumor disease of the adrenal glands above the kidneys), blood pressure can fluctuate.

Q: What foods cause high blood pressure?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: Drinking extra coffee, tea and smoking can increase blood pressure.

Q: Can blood pressure fluctuate due to differences in blood pressure measuring machines?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: Yes, the quality of blood pressure may vary due to the use of different types of blood pressure measuring machines at different times. It can be seen that when the blood pressure is measured again after a few minutes of measuring the blood pressure in the automatic machine, the difference is more than the previous measurement.

Q: Is there a systematic problem in measuring blood pressure and what are the environmental factors that cause blood pressure to fluctuate?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: If you don't use the right size of blood pressure measuring machine, if you talk while measuring blood pressure, if you measure blood pressure after a lot of work or exercise, or because of white coat hypertension, the blood pressure may go up.

Q: What is white coat hypertension?

Dr. Md. Taufiqur Rahman: Many patients suffer from excessive and unnecessary tension or anxiety after coming to the doctor's chambers, as a result of which the blood pressure rises a lot, but at home or at other times the blood pressure of these patients is normal or low. Since doctors wear white aprons or coats, this problem is called white coat hypertension.

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