Today's child is tomorrow's captain. Therefore, the physical and mental development of children is essential. Because without proper care they will be imperfect, immature.
Sports and exercise play a leading role in the physical and mental development of the child. Through play, the child's thinking develops creatively, leadership skills are acquired, the courage to accept victories and defeats increases, patriotism is awakened and moral character is developed. Not only this, the crime rate among them also decreases.
We see in various studies, there are very few people who are physically and mentally fit who are associated with crime, immorality, and corruption.
There is not enough sports alternative to stop the teenage gang culture that has started in the country today. Not only do sports help in physical and mental development, a player can bring respect and recognition not only for himself but also for his country and nation.
Physical education is basically life education. Sport teaches to protect oneself. Facing the challenges of the 21st century requires a physically and mentally healthy youth to build an economically prosperous nation. Therefore, the status of teachers of this subject should be established in educational institutions. As they will be honored, the nation will grow physically and mentally healthy.
Modern physical education is a scientific and educational endeavor for the full development of the child's personality. Sports curriculum is formulated according to the physical, mental, and social characteristics and needs of the child for growth and development.
Therefore, the scientific basis of sports is being formed by combining the knowledge of biology, psychology, and sociology related to this education. Sport is a subject with which sociology, nutrition, biology, and physics are associated. With the prevalence of complex and difficult diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure in our country, it is necessary to introduce massive physical education in the country to get rid of these diseases.
As the importance of physical education has increased in the evolution of time, it has been established all over the world as a complete discipline. But it has not happened in our country yet. One of the reasons for this is the misconceptions about physical education in our country. The more developed the country in the world in terms of physical education, the more developed it is in education, health, and sports. We also want to improve in sports. Want a healthy nation for the future. It is possible to establish sports in the physical and mental development of the child through the patronage of the government and the awareness of the parents.