The Way Music Therapy Works in Epilepsy

After falling from the bicycle, Chitra Nayak 'Khan' got a head injury and forgot everything. Can't recognize anyone. Not even a childhood friend.
Sadly, the childhood friend started singing a duet that the two of them were chanting in the morning and afternoon. The duet begins with ‘O my leaf flute ...’, as well as the fluttering of the fluttering bamboo leaves at play-back and the thin melody of the ‘leaf flute’ with ‘p..p ... p ..’
The hero's consciousness came back to the sound of the old melody. He also sat up and listened to his girlfriend's tune. Then the two of them wanted a little. Diameter, meanwhile, began to flow through the cheeks of the audience, clapping and whistling with tears.
The audience has been amazed for a long time to see the strange miracle of music in such a scene in the movie! They are accustomed. As soon as his girlfriend sang, the hero's consciousness came back, all the memories of the past flashed one by one, whereas a while ago he fell from the bicycle and was unconscious.
Luckily, the hero-heroine used to sing duets as a 'branch deer' in Arle-Abdale or Magdale of the banyan tree in her childhood and used to play the flute of 'Kala Patar'. The question arises in the mind of the viewer, why is there such a surprising stanza in the song or melody? Is there any explanation for this?
That's why psychiatrists prescribe medications to increase the serotonin or dopamine neurotransmitters to change the mood of patients with depression.
‘Yes, there is’. Music, the melody of a song, even if it does not bring back such a consciousness, can make the impossible possible by emitting the 'favorite' neurotransmitter of the human brain. Let's try to find out. Dopamine neurotransmitters are good neurotransmitters. All of us like happy feeling means the brain is secreting the right amount of dopamine, serotonin neurotransmitter at the right time.
Pediatric epilepsy and music therapy work well. Beautiful melodies (soft music) reduce the number of cramps.
Is the mind depressed? Can hear the song. Beautiful tunes or music of choice will increase the dopamine release of your brain. This will take away your sadness or depression. Proven in various studies. Some people sit at the reading table and listen to their favorite songs to solve mathematical problems. Is there any scientific explanation for this? ‘Yes, there is’. The beautiful music of choice helps to solve math equations perfectly. In the developed world, music therapy is used to boost the memory of Alzheimer's or dementia patients.
Regular recitation of the Holy Quran in a melodious tone (Religious Melody) has been studied for its effects on the brain.
Music enhances the human body's resistance to disease. Music acts as an analgesic.

Tinnitus is relieved by music therapy.

Music therapy often helps to solve delicate tasks perfectly. So it is heard that many talented surgeons of the world used to stand at the operating table and listen to their favorite songs so that the operation would be perfect.

Music and recitation of the Holy Quran

According to Muslim scientists, reciting the Holy Qur'an in a melodious tone works like music therapy. Regular recitation helps reduce anxiety, depression, or frustration.

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