The Exact Rules of Using Lipstick | Top 8 Rules For Wearing Lipstick

Lipstick enhances the beauty of the lips. However, many women do not know the exact rules of using lipstick. As a result, many people have allergies starting from black lips.
So lipstick should not be used without knowing the quality properties. The risk of loss is high. Therefore, it is important to know the details of using lipstick.
1. To keep the lips good, you must use good quality lipstick after checking the quality. Be sure to know the quality of certain brands of lipstick before buying. Many low-cost lipsticks contain harmful chemicals, which are harmful to the body.
Let's know the correct rules for using lipstick- 2. Paint the lips with lip liner before using lipstick. It will look beautiful, and will also have lipstick on the lips for a long time.
3. Do not rub with a handkerchief after using lipstick. It can tear the delicate skin of the lips.

4. After applying a darker lipstick on the lips, place a thick tissue paper between the lips and press it lightly. After a while, you will see that there is no dark feeling anymore. 5. If you want to make the color of the lipstick very light, use a little Vaseline on the lipstick.
6. Check if the used lipstick has an expiration date. Prolonged use of expired lipstick can lead to cancer.

7. Lipstick is made from a mixture of several types of metals, including cadmium and aluminum. Which is toxic when combined with the body's metabolism and acids. The toxins in the lipstick go into the stomach while eating. The consequences can be fatal. So it is better not to use lipstick while eating.
8. You can use shaving cream to remove the lipstick on the clothes. Apply a little shaving cream on the affected area and scrub it off.

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