Juvenile Delinquency - Causes, Prevention, and the Ways of ...

Juvenile delinquency is increasing at an alarming rate. Adolescents are involved in all sorts of heinous crimes centered on trivial matters out of extreme curiosity or excitement, anger, resentment. They are not even hesitant to kill each other. The issue is very frightening and worrying for society. But why is this happening, what we need to do to prevent juvenile delinquency, writes Tarana Anis, a psychologist at Evercare Hospital.
A 16-year-old friend of a teenager has been arrested for raping and killing a 16-year-old girl at Mastermind School in the capital's Kalabagan. Earlier this year, a 12-year-old boy named Sifat was killed in a trivial incident in the capital's Kamrangi Char coal mine area. The six people charged in the case are all between the ages of 10 and 14. Not only these two incidents but often all the horrific activities ranging from rape, eve-teasing, theft, suicide, drug use, murder, we see around us or know through magazines or news where in many cases both the victim and the accused are minors. Tarana Anis, a psychologist at Evercare Hospital, said: "There are a number of reasons why teenagers are involved in crime. There are several stages of child development and each stage also has some needs or characteristics. As a teenager, various adventures work in the mind. At this age, they want to express themselves. The demand for self-expression makes them curious. Out of curiosity, they want to know something new. They have a different world, they have opinions. They want their views to be valued. The slightest temptation, curiosity, joy, and anger arouse them. Which often leads teenagers astray. When they are stopped, if their opinions are not taken into account, they become aggressive and prone to do so. ' Educational institutions have been closed for a long time due to Corona. Now we have to do various work related to education online starting from classes, assignments. Children and teenagers are now spending most of their time on the Internet due to the declining opportunities to go out and indoor-outdoor games. With this opportunity, they are watching various types of adult movies on the internet, playing games, and becoming addicted to social media. Fighting on the internet, playing destructive games, teenagers are becoming really aggressive. They are learning different techniques of crime by watching movies and crime serials. If there is a mismatch between what is wanted and what is not agreed upon, if it prevents rape, it is killing a friend or classmate. Psychologist Tarana Anis says, ‘Adolescents experience hormonal changes during adolescence. At this age, their interest in sex is created. But in our country, we do not talk openly with children about sex-related issues. I don't even need to be aware. In doing so, they try to learn about sex-related issues from friends and classmates. In many cases, they get the wrong information. Which leads to their mistakes. It may be that teenagers are searching for educational content on Google, but there is also adult or prohibited content - this content makes them curious. Again, when the content comes to the fore, the parents often watch it and scold the child for watching it. But it also gives him an idea that his parents misunderstood him, making him interested in seeing these things in secret. ' Not just the Internet or parental abuse, parental neglect, apathy, not giving the child the necessary religious and moral education, parental quarrels, conflicts, breakups, poverty, financial abundance, the crisis of proper entertainment, drug abuse, bad company, and many more. Because it makes teenagers criminals.

‘In order to keep a child away from the bad company during adolescence, it is necessary to build a friendly relationship with the child. He has to understand and mix like him. Suppose you mingled with your daughter like a friend. From that friendship, your daughter came to you and said mother that boy has proposed to me. You either scolded him or blamed him for it - but that's not the way to go. As soon as you become friends with your child, he should gradually explain the negative aspects of the matter. Improve effective communication with the child. That is, their words must be listened to with the mind. We have to try to understand what they are trying to say and then make a decision after thinking about many things without being judgmental. As well as he must be considered equal. His views should be taken seriously in any decision of the House, ”he said.
If there is always a quarrel between the parents, if there is no respectful relationship between them, then the children also learn such negative behavior. Because they learn more by watching than by listening. You tell your child not to use mobile, not to watch TV but you are reading with your mobile all the time, watching serials. But your child will not obey your words. Because children take for granted what adults or parents do not do.
In the midst of thousands of activities, parents need to spend quality time with their children. They have to be given religious and moral education. Children should be allowed to mix together from an early age. When he grows up, he will not be very curious about his classmates or girls. Schools need to include sex education in the curriculum and discuss it in class. Besides, various programs have to be taken to prevent juvenile delinquency in educational institutions.

It is the responsibility of the parents to protect the child. However, it is not a good habit to keep an eye on the child all the time to protect him from danger. It is important to monitor who the child is with and what they are doing on the Internet. But this monitoring should not be like torture. That too must be taken care of. At the same time, you should try to increase the connection with the child without worrying about whether the child is eating properly or sleeping. Because it is more important to increase the connection with the child's psyche than to correct it. By doing this you will understand and get a chance to correct him before he goes wrong.

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