Four types of coronaviruses are circulating around the world. The character of SARS-COV-2 has changed several times since it spread from China's Yuan Province in 2019. Symptoms of coronavirus have been found several times in different countries, according to the World Health Organization.
Hu says the first change in the character of that species of coronavirus, which spread from Yuhan, took place in late January or early February. The strain that spread the virus at that time was called D614G. By June, the coronavirus had spread around the world. According to Hu, the second strain can spread the infection much faster than the first species, but it has less killing power. As a result, corona treatment did not have much effect.
During August-September, another type of coronavirus was detected, which was named 'Eucluster-5'. তThe species has been transmitted from the body of rats and needles to the human body. The first such strain was found in Denmark. Of course, ‘Eclaster-5’ may not spread quickly, but it has more killing power.
Then in mid-December, the new species of coronavirus was found again. Named after, SARS-COV-2 VOC 202012/601. The origin of this strain is still unknown. It is known that the virus of this new character has been caught in 31 countries of the world by December 30. On December 16, a newly characterized coronavirus, named ‘দক্ষিণ501Y.V2’েম্বর, was discovered in three South African provinces. This new strain has been found in four countries around the world.